Steve and his wife, Debby have lived in Stone Creek since 1998. Steve is native of Valdosta, having graduated from Lowndes High School and VSU. The Parkers have three boys, Austin, Cole and Jacob, all of whom grew up in Stone Creek and attended local schools. Austin and Cole both graduated from Cornell University in New York and Jacob is currently attending VSU and plans to pursue a career in the U.S. Navy as an officer. Steve is a Registered Investment Adviser with Principal Financial Group and has been in the financial planning business since 2002. Prior to his career in financial planning, he was National Accounts Manager for various high tech companies, including Lucent Technologies and Ascend Communications. Debby is originally from Memphis, Tennessee, and also graduated from Lowndes High and VSU. She works with Steve in his practice as a Client Relations Specialist and Office Manager. The Parker family is a member of Perimeter Road Baptist Church where Steve serves as a Deacon and chairs the Board of Perimeter Road Christian School. He enjoys playing golf, fishing, snow-skiing, and spending time with his family. He is passionate about maintaining and enhancing our community so that residents can raise their families in a safe, well maintained and enjoyable environment.